Wednesday 13 June 2012


Hello and thank you for checking out Red, White and Blonde! Yes, I'm the same twenty-something Bristolian of Canapés, Cupcakes and Cocktails fame...I thought it would be fun, therapeutic even, to document my general musings; outside of my over-active interest in fine food and drink! Consequently, the intention was to create a platform for sharing the things that I appreciate as intriguing or beautiful, topics that have the power to provoke an emotional response and the oddities that appeal to my silly sense of humour.

Not that I'd want to slap a label on it but if I absolutely had to, I guess these ramblings would constitute an insight into my personality and individual sense of style – hence, a 'personal blog' as per the categories inflicted by the powers that be. Incidentally and in regards to the latter, I am rather partial to the following; glitter, Parisian chic, colour coordination, nautical stripes, butterfly-prints, Viktor & Rolf's Flowerbomb, crisp lines, skinny jeans and Hello Kitty! Basically, a mish-mash of epically girly proportions; quirky versus cool and timeless beauty that lasts a lifetime.

I hope you find something here that interests you – I like a good old natter so please do drop me a line if you feel there is something that I'm missing out on!

In short, I'm fiercely patriotic, can slip into a 'rant' increasingly easily with age, have an unfounded affinity with gin and find gym attire simply fascinating. I like stationery, fizzy sweets, fuzzy felt, travel, scented candles, guilty pleasure TV, the smell of fresh washing, baby animals and cereal - welcome to my world!